living |
Fit at a Click!
Feeling bulky after one too many drinks this
party season? Follow these tips from our
selection of fitness websites to get fit, fast.
fter the extra
the festive season and
cakes and cookies, come
Christmas, everyone weighs
a little bit extra. This year,
make your resolution to lose weight
reach fruition, with these *websites.
s p a rk p e o p le .c o m
With a mission to push people to
achieve weight-loss and lead a healthier
life, this website offers nutrition and
health tips, fitness tools, support,
and resources that you will need to
achieve your goal— free of cost. In
addition to interactive tools like fitness
trackers and meal plans, it also has
an active community that encourages
you regularly. The website also has a
separate section on health conditions
such as diabetes, depression, insomnia,
menopause, high blood pressure etc.
d u k a n d ie t.c o .u k
This protein-based diet from France
became popular when the Duchess of
Cambridge, Kate Middleton, followed it
to get in shape for her wedding. The diet
has four phases— the first phase consists
of 72 high-protein foods enabling quick
weight-loss, while the second phase
mixes these proteins with 28 vegetables.
The third phase adds other indulgences
like bread and cheese, and the last phase
restores stability. Pay online, sign up,
and every day, you will receive food
recommendations and a follow-up mail
that will help you adhere to this diet.
fr e e d ie tin g .c o m
A one-stop-shop for weight loss, this
website has tips on losing weight,
workout plans, calorie counters, foods to
be eaten for fat loss, daily calorie needs,
and information on how to reach the
ideal waist-to-hip ratio. You can choose
from various weight-loss programmes
such as
Feed the Muscle
(popular with
(a 12-week emotional
eating course), the
New Sonoma Diet
(Mediterranean diet that includes good
food and wine), or the
Glycomic Impact
(eat foods with a low-GI value).
t r a in w it h m e o n lin e .c o m
With the sole aim of persuading people
to train in their own space, this website
was started by Ben Poss, a fitness
expert, who teaches a wide variety of
exercises through videos. There are
many options to choose from: you can
find a suitable workout according to
the exercise type, your fitness level, the
body part that you’re focussing on, and
the equipment at your disposal. With a
separate section on diet and nutrition,
it talks about the various food groups
and what they do for fitness.
fa tc h ic k s .c o m
Started as a personal source of diet
support for three sisters, this food
blog now has 70,000 fellow ‘chicks’
who decided to join the bandwagon.
Read and learn how to make nutritious
drinks and vegan recipes like vegan
bread, vegan candy, and vegan pilaf to
help shed the kilos. It also has separate
forums on success stories, fitness and
maintenance, with reviews of various
cookbooks or books on weight loss.
w e ig h th y d a te .c o m
Experts suggest that a food diary makes
it easier for you to commit to your diet.
With this in mind, the website is an
interactive journal that reminds you of
excessive calories and workout options
every day. The software runs easily on
any Windows PC and the best part is
that you don’t have to be online to use
it. Treat it like a food diary, nutrition
calculator and a weight tracker— all in
one. Opt for the 15-day free trial. ■
*Comult your doctor before following a new diet
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